【動画de英語】Sandra Bullock (サンドラ・ブロック)がオーシャンズ8の現場で笑えたことは?|InStyle








―She’s got dark circles under her eyes.




今日は、『オーシャンズ8』の中の一人、Sandra Bullock(サンドラ・ブロック)がInStyleの読者質問に答える動画でいきましょう!




Sandra Bullock’s Hilarious Setories from Ocean’s8/InStyle/2018.5.2より一部抜粋


Dear Sandra,  You get an afternoon to yourself. How do you spend it?

(Sandra)What is that? I don’t understand what that is. An afternoon to myself? I don’t know what that is. But I wouldn’t change that.
Hi, I’m Sandra Bullock and I am answering InStyle’s readers’ questions. Didn’t sound right, did it? No.

What’s the easiest thing to cook if you’re a bad cook and want to try to impress someone?

First of all, don’t pretend like you can cook when you can’t. I say you call Postmates and you have them do the cooking for you so you can just enjoy good company and not be a liar. Because that’s gonna catch up, it did to me.


I’m about to meet my new boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Any advice? What should I wear?

Well, I say you should wear a sense of humor. Wear a lot of kindness. Because those parents probably love the hell out of their son so just show them what an amazing woman you are and that you’re gonna be good to him.

And be good to the mama because one day that’s gonna happen to me and that girl better be good to me.

How do I make my child feel special without spoiling them or overdoing it?

If what you’re doing is loving them , you can never overdo it. If you’re buying them stuff, stop. Just love them. It’s usually the look in your eye that makes them feel special, not something in a box that you bought.


Can you tell us what it was like on the set of Ocean’s 8, working with so many incredibly talented women? Is there a particularly special moment you experienced with your costars you can share?

The operative phrase being, “that I can share.” Yeah, there was a lot of good times. For some reason what’s coming to mind is that Helena Bonham Carter was like a cat. I could take the laser pointer and just at random moments I would point the laser pointer on the floor and she would jump out of the chair and follow it like a human cat. It was incredibly impressive 
(私がシェアできることってことね。そうね、たくさんあったわ。まず思い浮かぶのはHelena Bonham Carter が猫みたいだったってことね。なんでもないときにレーザーポインターを床にあててると、すぐに彼女が飛びついてくるのよ、いすから飛び降りて。人間猫ってかんじだったわね。あれはすごいわ)

Sarah Paulson trying to sing like Rihanna. Never sounded like Rihanna. But she tried. We had a pretty good time.
(Sarah Paulsonがリアーナの曲を歌おうとしたのよね。でも全然リアーナっぽくなかったのよ。でもサラは歌おうとはしたのよ。とにかく楽しい時間を過ごしたのよ)



Love her soooo much!!! My forever fave actress .(彼女すごく大好き。私の永遠の大好きな女優だわ)

If you don’t love this woman you’re mad at life and u should go find something to be happy about.(もしあなたがこの女性を好きじゃないんなら、あなたは人生に対して怒りをもってるのね、ほかに幸せになれることを探すべきよ)





