【動画de英語】カーダシアン一家のモデルKendall JennerがBen Simmonsとの交際を認めた!|Ellen show







on top of that 』に関する英語・・

―This week has been insanely busy and on top of that my daughter came down with the craziest flu.



Hi loves! This week has been insanely busy and on top of that I came down with the craziest flu. I’m feeling a little better I could never forget about you guys. We will chat this weekend when I feel even better

— Khloé (@khloekardashian) 2019年2月2日




【カーダシアン一家のモデルKendall Jennerが熱愛を認めた!前髪が変な件です。





【Kendall Jenner Gets a Scare from Her Mom ‘Kris Jenner’】



【Ellen】Hi, how are you?
【Kendall】I’m good.


Have you been here before? You’ve been here before.
I’ve been here a couple times.


This is your third time or so? Have you- were you scared to come back?
―I mean, I was a little nervous. Honestly, I was a little offended that I haven’t ever been like scared before. I feel like all my family members have been scared. And you got my mom really good last time.


We got your mom so good that she said if she didn’t like me so much she would sue me.



You’re into basketball, like way into basketball. Have you always been into basketball?
―I actually have. I’ve been into basketball for a little while. I used to go to games with Khloe a lot, and I just got really into it.


Are you good? Because you’re tall. You would be very good.
―I’m not. I used to- I did play when I was in high school and, or sorry , middle school. But I just wasn’t. I wasn’t that great.


See, there you are, but there’s a guy in front of you. I can hardly see you, but .. I guess that’s the picture they chose to show because you’re there. Who’s the guy that’s in the way?
―I’m not too sure.


I’m not either. I don’t know anything about basketball. But there you are. What are you looking at? So do you I mean obviously you’re dating this guy who’s on , right? This 76ers, is that what it’s called?


I don’t know basketball.
―It’s 76ers.


That’s weird name. But he seems like I don’t know him but he seems sweet by that picture. How long have you been dating him?
―For a bit now.


yeah? Ok, that’s all my questions.


And does your mom approve? 
―I think so.



―I knew that was going to happen. 


But you still got scare!
―Oh my god. I’m shaking.





2019年3月10日 TOEIC LRテストまで・・・・あと22日!!!

