―My mom made a pine cone Xmas wreath.
I just made a pinecone Xmas wreath and I think it’s awesome tell me what you think https://t.co/ShleFSPKE7#xmas #wreath #diy
— MouSotis (@MouSotis) December 17, 2018
I made @ItsJoshPeck get somewhat crafty (and blindfolded) with me for the holidays 😂🎅🏼
how did we do!?https://t.co/aFRQfTS2aM pic.twitter.com/Un3R1vzynP— lauren ✄ (@laurDIY) 2018年12月11日
【Easy DIY Holiday Party Snacks & Christmas Treats!| LaurDIY/2014.11.24】
Hey, guys. What’s up? It’s Lauren. So today’s video is a tiny weeny different as you can probably tell from the title, so I am currently in the process of moving literally like this is the only corner of my apartment.
(みんな元気?ローレンです。今日はいつもとはちょっと違った感じでお届けします。きっとみんなタイトルから分かったとは思うけど。今文字通り引っ越しの最中だから、ここはアパートのほんの端っこのスペースで撮影してます)That’s basically okay to put on camera I’m not even kidding next to me there are three boxes about four feet high, so my apartment is basically in shambles and all my DIY supplies is tacked up, so I was like what could I do that still kind of DIY but so Christmasy themed and I was like DIY treats and it’s just seriously all DIY approved.
(ここだけがカメラで映してOKなところだから。冗談じゃなくて私の隣には4フィートの高さの段ボール箱が3つあらんでるの。だから今私のアパートは散らかし放題で、DIYの道具もしまっちゃってあるの。だからDIYって呼べるようなものでクリスマスをテーマにしたものをやれないかなと思って、このクリスマスのおもてなしを使用!と思い立ったの、今できる精一杯はこれぐらいだから)These are my favorite holiday but I’ve never tried to make them so I was like I’m gonna give it a go and one last thing for a jump in the video if you haven’t tweeted me what you want for Christmas I’m gonna be doing my holy giveaways shopping next week, so make sure to go ahead and tweet me @ laurdiy what you want for Christmas!
(すごく私の大好きなホリデイなんだけど、今までやったことがなかったの(このクリスマスのおもてなしを)。だからやってみよう!と思って。そう、もしあなたがまだ私のツイッターに何が欲しいかをつ投稿してなかったら、急いで投稿してね。今年はみんなにプレゼントをしようと思っていて、来週買い物に行くからそれまでにあなたが欲しいものを教えてね)You’ll need some pretzels. Christmas colored sprinkles and white chocolate of any form.
(さあ、まずはプレッツエルを用意します。クリスマスの色のスプリンクルと、どんなのでもいいから白のチョコレートもね)I’m gonna start by putting my chocolate into the microwaves for 20 seconds increments checking to make sure they’re softening up and then stirring them as soon as they’re starting to melt.
(チョコレートをまずはレンジに20秒ほどかけて、柔らかくなったかを確認して、溶け出したら手早く混ぜてね)Next I’m gonna dip both side of the pretzel into the melted chocolate and set it onto the plate that we’re gonna pop into the fridge after all the pretzels have been dipped and are ready to go, so the chocolate can harden and make them like the store-bought ones.
And once all my pretzels are covered I got to take my red sprinkles and add some Christmas color to them to make them a little more festive and after sprinkling the sprinkles on pop them into the fridge for about 20 minutes to cool