【動画de英語】Gillian Jacobs(ジリアン・ジェイコブス)が階段から転げ落ちて発覚したこと|Jimmy Kimmel|五十肩を英語で言うと?








―It seems easy when she does it.




アメリカABCテレビで放映されているJimmy Kimmel(ジミー・キンメル)のトークライブ番組『ジミー・キンメル・ライブ!』 (Jimmy Kimmel Live!) 。結構好き嫌いが分かれるかもしれないけれど、アメリカでは外せない司会者!




Gillian Jacobs Fell Down a Flight of Stairs/2018.5.19より一部抜粋



What’s up now, anything?(最近何か変わったことは?)

Yes, of course. What happened recently  is I fell down half a flight of stairs.


Oh, where did this happen?(どこで?)

I was doing a play in New York. It was like day2 of rehearsal. I was trying to be on best behavior and really impress my costars and everyone. So of course I fell down half of a flight and landed with my arm like this. Yeah, I know, right? Terrible.


And it wasn’t getting better. That’s the thing about getting older is things don’t heal themselves anymore. So I had to go to an osteopath who told me that I have a frozen shoulder.



Really? At least it sounds good. Sounds better than the ganglion stuff you had.(本当?でもまあまだいいよね。だってこの間の神経痛よりましじゃない)

Does that sound better? He told me it’s quite rare for a woman not in menopause to develop one. I guess I’m really special.


You’re an early adopter.(君は早く取り入れるタイプなんだね)

Yeah, I am. I always felt like an old lady just waiting to catch up.(そうなのよ。私はいつも年寄りの女性に追いつこうとしてるみたいに思うの

What does it mean? It won’t move at all?(どんななの?全然動かないの?)

I do move, I mean I move it around, just not as much as I used to be able to. That hurt right there, That hurts. (動くわ、回して動かせるんだけど、昔出来たようなとこまで回せないの、ここらへん痛いわ)

How often maybe you need a cab? get an uber?(でもそんなに手を挙げるの必要かな?タクシーかウーバーくらい?

It was the quick changes during the play that I really would try not to scream.(早着替えが劇中であったから、痛みで叫ばないように努力したわ)

What do they do for something like that?(その症状にどう治療するの?)

Send you to physical therapy. My first time, I got there, he’s like you have a frozen shoulder but your real problem is have god awful posture. Yeah? I know. (理学療法ね。最初にいったとき、医師は私は五十肩っていったんだけど、本当の問題はひどい姿勢ってことだったのよ。そうなの。)

Can you fix posture though?(そでも姿勢って変えれるの?)

You can try. You can sure as heck try.(まあ努力は出来るわ、最高に頑張ればね)

You just have to think about all the time?(姿勢のことずっと考えてなくちゃいけないってこと?)

Yes.So he told me I had to engage my core,and I said, I don’t have one. So I have to try and like really engage my core. And get my shoulder back. And then he told me I should be like swiveling my hips when I walk.


Did he have his pants on while he was telling you this?(それって彼ちゃんと自分のズボン履いたまま言ってた?)



She is so beautiful.(彼女すごく美人)

When they were casting Harley Quinn I was so hoping they’d pick her for it. Margot is amazing though.(ハーレークインをキャストしていたとき、本当に彼女を選んでほしかったわ。マーゴットは素晴らしかったけど)




昨日に引き続き、彼女!Gillian Jacobs(ジリアン・ジェイコブス)です。


