【動画de英語】サンドラ・ブロックが「Bird Box」で子供を怒鳴りつけていた時の心境は?|The Ellen Show








―One of the most gorgeous rings I’ve ever bought.



One of the most useful gifts I’ve ever received lol pic.twitter.com/8phRBokQuX

— Nik (@demigoddessnik) January 6, 2019



このサイトでは、お馴染みのEllen DeGeneresの「The Ellen show」というアメリカの超人気番組から。長寿っぷりとゲスト呼ぶ形式から、日本の「徹子の部屋」と比較されるけど、もっと庶民派でガンガンにイジる感じですね。ゲストも素になっちゃうような番組です!


【サンドラ・ブロックが「Bird Box」で子供を怒鳴りつけていた時の心境は?】





Sandra Bullock Had No Problem Yelling at Her On-Screen Kids/Ellen show/2018.12.20



【Ellen】That’s Sandra Bullock in “The Bird Box”

【Sandra】With the incredible Sarah Paulson.

With the incredible Sarah Paulson, who doesn’t make it too long on this movie, that was it.

Nor should you ever drive with Sarah Paulson is obviously what this is. 

Yeah, she’s a bad driver.

Terrible(最悪のね)It’s really good, it such a it’s an interesting concept. Explain what it is.

Well, it’s sort of a psychological paired with a really deep, emotional love story about what is family? You know, and what’s happening in the world? What’s making people harm themselves? It’s so hard to look at. When you see this thing, you harm yourself, you see your worst fears and you kill yourself you cannnot see, you’re blindfolded, so we shot half the movie blind folders, which was funny , and it’s about .. I mean to me it’s a story about what you would do for your family, and your family isn’t always what you’re told your family is, and it’s how people come together.


And then the kids are adorable.(子供達はすごくかわいいよね)

Yeah, Julian and Vivian (そう、ジュリアンとビビアン)


Because and I know how much you’re sweet and where you were yelling at them,  I just thought, that must have been so hard to yell at those kids.


Actually , it was really easy.(実は、全然なの。簡単だったの)

Oh, why is that?(え?なんで?)

Because you never let yourself get to that place unless you’re really scared. If your child runs out into the street you don’t go, you know get back here. You go what fuck are you doing? Get over here! But you don’t get to that place. because there’s usually people watching so you’re like, get back here. So you’ve got to be those things that you aren’t allowed to be when you’re really really scared.so.

All right. We saw a different side of Sandy.

映画Bird Boxの”闇の正体”についての考察、色々されてます!


Bird Box: A Novel /Josh Malerman






1 月13日 TOEIC LRテストまで・・・・あと8日!!!
3 月10日 TOEIC LRテストまで・・・・あと65日!!!

