―Diet starts today not tomorrow.
Diet starts tomorrow. Tonight is for eating your favorite foods while watching your favorite show. https://t.co/gTjgbHSKJI pic.twitter.com/GKp1SQu4Wy
— New Girl (@NewGirlonFOX) March 10, 2019
【アリアナ・グランデのMVパロディで一躍有名になった彼女Katherine ellisの正体とは?!】
My third year lifestylehttps://t.co/Aurr9so5yi
— Breje’Adje (@brejeamar) March 2, 2019
【Interview! Get to know me!! 】
What is your name? あなたの名前は?
【katherine】My name is Katherine ellis. A lot of people call me Kallous. A lot of friends. I kind of like ..love that and I don’t know should I go with that or moving forward ? Do you like camless or Katherine ellis I don’t know.
(私の名前はキャサリン・エリスよ。大体の人はキャロスって呼ぶわ。多くの友達がそう呼ぶの。でそれが好きなのよね。もはやキャロスで行くべきかなって思ってるの。もっといっちゃってキャムレスとかもありかな。それかやっぱキャサリン・エリスかな。)Where are you from? どこ出身?
I’m from New Orleans originally and then I moved to New York and I lived there for four years and now I’m in LA. Loving the weather change.
(ニューオリンズ出身なの。そっからNYに移って4年ほどしてからLAに来たわ。天候の違いは最高ね)What do you do? 仕事は?
What do I do? I mean I’m an actress trying to act in LA which is so rare for LA and I also work right now in talent agency actually. I used a receptionist. Using my time to write silly parodies for the world’s enjoyment.
What is your advice for someone wanting to do the same as you? あなたと同じことをしたいって人にどうアドバイスする?
guys I don’t know, OK? I don’t know how to the one video got you know like over a million views. Don’t know, I loved what I wrote it and I was like I could tell I was like this is funny. I think people are gonna like it but I was hyped with 300 people watched it and now it’s at like 1.2 million and I’m like I love it. Though I love it love that people are into it and are equally as broke as me and can relate that feeling so I don’t obsessed with Ariana Grande like I’m one of her biggest fans. I’m so in love with her so if anyone thinks that it was negative towards her you’re wrong.
My watch stopped working(私の時計、動いてない)
My necklace broken(ネックレスは壊れてる)
make small deposits(少しづつ預金引き出して)
my glass form Walgreens(私のサングラスはWalgreensだし)
you like my hair? Gee, thanks IT’s knotted?(私の髪好きだって?ありがとう。ほつれてるし)
I see it, I like it, I want it, can’t buy it(見て、好きになって、欲しくて、買えない)
I want it, I save it, on sale yet? Can’t pay it.(欲しくて、貯金して、セールになってない?じゃあ買えないし)
I want it, I save it, on sale yet? Can’t pay it.(欲しくて、貯金して、セールになってない?じゃあ買えないし)
I wait until that shit’s on clearance(在庫一掃セールになるまで待つわ)
Once that it is , it’s out of season.(そうなったときにはもう季節外れだけど)
[…] 【動画de英語】アリアナ・グランデのMVパロディで一躍有名になった彼女Kat… […]