―I appreciate the support of my team members and family.
【ゴシップde英語】Jennifer Lopez(ジェニファー・ロペス)VMAsで特別賞、圧巻のステージ!|Hollywood life|「fam」はどんな意味?
『the Vanguard Award を受賞したジェニファー・ロペスの受賞スピーチ』です!
I ♥️🗽 https://t.co/AMwBPbCxZX
— Jennifer Lopez (@JLo) August 21, 2018
『Jennifer Lopez Accepts the Video Vanguard Award | 2018 MTV Video Music Awards/2018.8.20』
“I’m not gonna take too much time. You know, I grew up on MTV. This is really like, a tremendous honor for me. It has been an incredible journey of dreaming my wildest dreams, and then kind of watching them come true.
Music, acting, performing, this career has always been kind of an obsession for me. When people have said, you know ‘You’re doing too much. You can only do one thing.’ I always had it in my mind, I was always a person who was like, ‘Why not? Why not?’ So, I kind of had to to force my own path, make my own rules. And I was obsessed like that I liked it that way for a while. Just working and working and working.
But it wasn’t until I had two little angels come into my life, that everything changed. You know, I knew I had to be better. I knew I had to go higher, I knew I had to be stronger than I had been before. It was through that unconditional love that my career, that my whole life became clearer in every way. And now, today, I stand here stronger and better than ever. So thank you, Max and and Emme. There is so much more to do, and I know in my heart that the future is even brighter than anything I could have accomplished up to now because of you.
There is my mother, Lupe, the original dancing queen. Anybody who knows Lupe knows that that’s where I get my skill from. My father, my rock, daddy, David. My sisters, Linda and Leslie, for their unending love and support.
And Alex. You are like my twin soul. We are like mirror images of each other. My life is sweeter and better with you in it because you make me realize that every day, the sky is not the limit. The universe is infinite, and so is what we can accomplish together, with love and trust and understanding. There so much more to do and to experience, and there is nobody I would rather do it with, baby. You are my macho, and I love you.
And a special thank you to the fans, oh my God. You have touched my heart and my soul, and become a part of me. Loyalty is everything to me. Anybody who knows me knows that, you have won me over forever, thank you, I love you.”(それからアレックス。あなたは私の双子の魂を持った人よ。私たちがお互いが鏡のようで、私の人生はあなたといるからより甘くてより良いものになっているの、だってあなたが毎日空には限界はないって気にさせてくれるから。宇宙は無限だからこそ私たちは一緒に愛と信頼と理解をもって成し遂げていける。まだまだやりたいこと経験したいことがあるし、ほかの誰よりもあなたと一緒にしていきたいとおもっている。私にとってあなたは最高に頼れる存在で愛してる。そしてファンの皆さんへ、本当に感謝しています。あなたたちは私の心、魂に触れてくれていて、もう私の一部です。いつも私のことを思ってくれているあなたたてゃ私のすべて。私を知ってる人は、ファンのみんなが永遠に私より勝っていることを知ってるの。本当にありがとう)