―Apparently I used to like drawing.
I literally have no idea how to play any instruments at all. Apparently I used to? pic.twitter.com/b1SyiVteun
— sia (@Sia) October 13, 2018
#Today I’ll be #cooking @ 12pm
We had SO MUCH fun at @dokkelivingroom last night – thanks for having us! pic.twitter.com/4Q1vLxER0T
— SORTEDfood (@sortedfood) October 11, 2018
Avocado Toast With Poached Eggs Recipe | SORTEDfood/2017.5.12
Avocado on toast with poached eggs, And not just any poached eggs but perfectly poached eggs. Which is where we’re gonna start.
(アボガドトーストにポーチドエッグを乗せたものをご紹介!しかもただのポーチドエッグじゃなくて、最高のポーチドエッグ!さあ始めましょう。)Grab yourself a pan of water which is about half filled. You want to heat it to a boil. And if you do that with a lid on, it’s much quicker. And then for the eggs themselves, I’d much prefer to poach eggs when they’re at room temperature, it’s much easier.
(まずは水をフライパンに半分ほどいれて、沸騰させましょう。もし蓋があればそのほうが早いですね。完璧なポーチドエッグをtくりたかったら室温に戻した卵を使いましょう。その方が簡単です。)Do if you keep your eggs in the fridge, you just want to warm them up. You can do that by placing them in a glass of warm water, just to take the chill off. Now listen, it’s really really weird, but it does help I promise.
(冷蔵庫にもしいれたままの卵しかなかったら、温めておきましょう。温水を入れたグラスの中にいれておけば大丈夫です。すごく変な感じに思えるかもしれなけど、すごい役に立つんでどうぞやってみてください)So, while your pan is warming up, and your eggs are taking the chill off, we can look at the avocado and help you prep that.
(フライパンを温めて以来だ、卵を温めて、先にアボガドを用意しておきましょう)Firstly, you’re gonna need to cut your avocado in half. Stick your hand on top, and slice into the stone, and then rotate the avocado. Twist both halves and separate. Then take a spoon, and scoop out that stone.
(まずは半分に切って、まずは手に取って半分に種まで切り目をいれて、アボガドをくるっと回しましょう。両サイドをひねって、半分に。スプーンを使って種を取りましょう)Scrape against the skin removing all of that flesh. Pop that onto the board and the same with the other half. Then take your knife and give it a rough chop, and keep the other hand out of the way in the claw position. Or have it on top.
(皮に沿って巣食って言って、中身を取り出しましょう。まな板にのせて半分に。適当な大きさに刻みましょう。垂直に反対の手を置いてもいいし、包丁にのせて切ってもいいです)Take the avocado and place it into a bowl. Then with the back of a fork, you just kind of want to smash against the side of the bowl and that’s why you need a ripe avocado. You’re not looking for avocado puree. You just kind of want to have a rough clunky chop.
And that’s smashed avocado. But if we taste it now, you’ll see that is avocado at this basic level. What we’re gonna do now, is really really elevate it. By adding in a couple of tablespoons of chopped coriander. It’s optional,but it really helps and a squeeze of lime juice. So you want just the leaves of the coriander, Rock the knife back and forth, you want about a tablespoon in total.
(これがアボガドのスマッシュになります。今味見してみると、基本の味ですよね。ここでしたいのは、この味を本当に本当に引き出したいのです。コリアンダーを少しいれることによってね。これは絶対ではないですが、ライムのしぼり汁を入れると尚いいです。コリアンダーの葉を取り出して、包丁で刻んでいきます。全部で小さじ1杯になればいいですよ)It’s a really easy recipe to remember because it’s also a tablespoon of olive oil. And about a tablespoon of lime juice. If you haven’t got fresh lime, you cold go fresh lemon or you could even use the bottled stuff straight out the fridge, if that’s what you’ve got to hand. Then season it to taste and see what yo think!
Golden on top? A couple of those, thanking you. Plenty of or avocado. Now remember, this is enough to serve one but it’s just as easy to scale up for two. or even four if for a brunch for friends at the weekend. Seriously impressive! Spread it out so that you’ve got that wonderful bed for the egg. With a slotted spoon, just scoop the egg out and that’s what you’re looking for, set white and a bouncy yolk, because you want a runny yolk.
There you go, everything you need to know to cook up smashed avocado on toast with poached eggs!