【動画de英語】全額奨学金合格通知を受けた話題動画の兄弟|The Ellen Show|シングルマザーが唯一心配しなくてよかったもの








―I hope that good things happens to me this week.





Ellen DeGeneresという女性が司会をしている、

「The Ellen show」というアメリカの超人気番組から。







Ellen Meets Viral College Acceptance Brothers/2018.1.5より一部抜粋


More than 8 million of you watched these two brothers get accepted into their dream colleges.

Take a look at this.


Their story is even more incredible. 


From Opelousas, Louisiana, please welcome Alex and Aryton Little.

(ルイジアナ州のOpelousasから来たAlecとArynton Little です。どうぞ。)


So, OK, this is incredible.(これはすごいわよね)

You were surrounded by friends and schoolmates not knowing which way it was going to go.


(Alex) We do that for all our seniors.


It’s just like a ritual we do at our school.



So it’ always like a nerve-wrecking thing for everyone sitting in that chair because, like, that’s the decision right there.


Nobody knows.(誰も結果はしらないから)

Right. And how old are you?(そうよね、であなたはいくつだった?)

I’m 18.(18歳です)

You’re 18 and you’re 16.(あなたは18歳で、あなたは16歳)

And you got into Harvard.(あなたはハーバードに受かったのよね)

(Aryton) Yes.(そうです)

And you got into Stanford.(で、あなたはスタンフォード)

I mean, not just got in, but full scholarships.


And so, you obviously do very well at school.


And this obviously has been a dream for both of you?


Oh, yes ma’am.(はいそうです)

It’s been, like, the goal that you worked towards since you were a kid.


Those are schools that you think of,(この二つの大学はあなたが思う・・)

Whenever you think of education like Stanford, Harvard those are the schools you think of.


And it’s really surreal just to be able to say that I got accepted and that they’re doing all this stuff for me.


(Aryton) It’s a little hard because for 16 years my life, it’s been Harvard. 


And now I got into Harvard. Now I’m thinking, oh I got to pick something else to do. It worked out.


Well, that’s the good thing, You have to pick another goal.


That’s the thing in life – you have to keep trying to find things to search for that makes you passionate and happy.



I mean , what makes it more amazing is your mom is in the audience.


And, hi, mom.(お母さま、こんにちは)

You’re incredible.(あなたってすばらしいわ)

She is incredible.(彼女はすごい女性だよ)

I told you that I saw you driving in on the lot this morning and I -your story is-I mean, you were raised by a single mom.


You were on the verge of being homeless for most of your lives.


You spent years in a home with no heat, no food a lot of times and you would leave the oven burners on to keep you warm at night.


Your younger brother passed away a couple of years ago. And through all of this, you maintained the highest GPAs in your class.


That is amazing.(すごいしか言えないわ)

I mean, that is a testament to who you are to raise these two young boys like this.


Because a lot of people and a lot of young boys would use that as an excuse to say, I don’t have time and, you know, go in a different direction.


Yeah, it’s kind of it’s just whenever I think about it, I thought about education was my ticket out.


I knew that I was smart and I was able to get good grades. I said, I’m going to work as hard as I can to do this because I notice that our mom has been doing a lot for us.


And so, I know one thing she likes she says all the time is that, no matter what I was going through, no matter what bills were going unpaid, or how hard her situation was, I knew that I was coming home to kids who weren’t out getting into who knows what and they had good grades.


She’s like that’s something that she was proud to be able to say that no matter what was going on.


So not only are you proud, but this is such a relief for you to know that they are completely taken care of in college. You don’t have to worry about that.


(Mom)I truly am because, you know, people say paycheck to paycheck sometimes it wasn’t even paycheck to paycheck.


And I didn’t want them to see and be aware of just how bad it was. But like he said , the one thing I didn’t have to worry about was them and their grades.


You know, what was getting cut off, what was about to get repossessed or whatever I had that on my shoulders. But the one thing I didn’t have to worry about was their schooling. 


Well, I love all of you and I have something for your mom a little later. But I have something for y’all for your dorm room.


Your dorm is taken care of.(あなたの寮生活はもう大丈夫よ)


Steve HarveyさんのFBでも!兄弟のお母さまもコメントしています。


